Sunday 16 March 2014

Getting ready to go back to work

Well it's Sunday night and I'm on the last day of a week off. It's been quiet, but quite interesting. Finally finished At Home, which was easily one of the hardest books I've ever read (omg, all the facts). Read and binned my backlog of Vanity Fair magazines, just in time for the new one coming in.

Also continued with Supernatural (now on season 8) and am currently watching True Detective, which so far has been amazing!!

In less positive news, getting Molee groomed resulted in her needing some oxygen, and highlighted how bad her overgrooming has become. So ordered some Zylkene, which I hope will chill her out and get her out of the habit of it.

Also had a disappointing experience in getting a new house. Viewed on Monday, guy sounded positive and said he would be in touch Tuesday morning. No contact, so on Tuesday afternoon I emailed. No reply. On Wednesday I phoned and his secretary said she would pass on the message. Not heard anything since. It was the perfect house, but apparently it's not where I'm supposed to be.

So, the work to keep Molee calm and stress free, and the hunt for a new place to live, continues. Am also managing to keep going with the paleo, and am going to be starting green smoothies every day, as soon as I get the blender from my dad.

Healthy greens!!

My gran's 70th birthday celebration went well, and she enjoyed herself. I hired a professional photographer for the day, so we got some great pictures of the event. And that's the stuff with the extended family done and dusted until Ali's wedding next September!!

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Sick kitty

Had to take Atticus to the vet yesterday. One of his eyes had started getting gunky at the tail end of last week and his other eye got bad on Sunday. I figured it was probably just conjunctivitis but wanted to get it sorted before Boo or Molee got it too.

Vet confirmed what I thought and gave me some eye cream to put in his eyes. Let's just say he doesn't like it!! My mild mannered boy becomes a clawing fidgety demon when the tube of cream appears. Am going to have to get a big towel and pin him down.

In other news, I am looking for a new place to live, in a bid to be in a place where I can let the cats roam. But who knows what the universe will throw up?!

Saturday 1 March 2014

A very good week

I'm not sure if moving to Paleo has made me more optimistic or if I have just had a very good week, but either way I am taking it as a win.

Last weekend was my younger brother's engagement party, which was good, if slightly awkward given that my divorced parents were in the same room as each other. It just sucks that they can't politely say hello then move on. In fact, my mum seemed to go totally out of her way to avoid even speaking to him. My stepdad said hello to my dad, as did my mum's brother and mother. Just one of the many joys of being a child of divorce!!

I then had a couple of nights of dodgy sleep - not helped by me having my first glass of cava since going Paleo, which got me very tipsy and led to me drinking the whole bottle and being in bed by 7pm.

But through it all I maintained my positivity. I had a good quarterly review at work, which made me feel a lot better about being there. It also resulted in my boss telling me I can try and arrange a trip to London to see a national newspaper's online operations.

Then I got a letter from Lloyds Bank, offering me money for mis-sold PPI. And the really great part of that was it was totally out of the blue. I hadn't pursued a claim or made a complaint. So I sent back my form saying I would accept it. Now I just need to wait for the cheque!!

Went back to the gym after far too long an absence. And to keep the momentum I have decided to sign up for the Edinburgh Electric Run when the registration opens. And the Tough Mudder next year for my 30th. Now I need to get fit!!

This weekend I have more gym and the ARRG league-wide meeting after home team scrims tomorrow. I also have a lot of paperwork to do and cats to cuddle!!

Have a good weekend!!