Wednesday 11 February 2015

Introduction: The fundamentals of being a crazy cat lady (part 1)

This is where Atticus wants to lie. And I let him.

Becoming a card-carrying, flag-waving crazy cat lady involves more than just labelling yourself as one. There are certain criteria that must be met.

For instance, you have to be "crazy". This doesn't mean that you lick windows or talk to invisible people, but you have to be slightly unhinged. I talk to myself, have conversations with my cats, dance when there's no music, and am a general weirdo. I also have depression. This means that at times, when I get low, I behave in a not normal way. Ergo, crazy.

You need cats. Notice the "s" at the end of that word? One cat is not enough, two is better, but three or more definitely puts you in the realm of crazy cat lady. And you have to put them above everything else in your life. If one of your cats is comfy on the couch, but you want to sit down, you don't disturb them. They can have the seat, they were there first.

And third, you need to be a lady. Not a Lady, just a female. I'm sure men can be "crazy cat men," but it doesn't mean the same thing. When I say "crazy cat man", there isn't an image that instantly springs to my head. Say "crazy cat lady" and you get the head to toe: unkempt hair, fluffy cardi, a cat under each arm, and a pair of well-worn slippers. (I don't say this in a derogatory way, this is years of observation of women with cats.)

And there is a level of commitment that comes with being a crazy cat lady. You can't just pick and choose when to be crazy cat lady and when not. Partly because you can never truly rid yourself of cat fluff on your clothes or scratch marks on your hands. But mostly because you need a lot of time to perfect "the look".

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