Sunday 29 January 2017

Welcome to the new world, it looks familiar

So, the unlikely happened. 2016 turned out to be the year of the right-wing uprising (Brexit, Trump getting elected) - and I have been terrified since.

Perhaps it's not a likely fear, perhaps it's paranoia. But I can't help but be afraid. Afraid that war is going to happen, afraid that because my grandmother decided to have children with and marry a Muslim Pakistani (a relationship that was extremely short-lived) my mother, my brother and I will face problems. Because of something that is completely outwith our control.

I know my problems are not as big as those on the news - people detained at airports, Americans whose rights are being stripped off them on a daily basis, women who face Planned Parenthood defunding, LGBT+ people who will be targeted and persecuted by the Bigot in Chief and his cronies. But I am scared, for me, for them, for our future.

And the Hitler/Holocaust implications are clear and have been touted all over the place, but they are apt. We need to recognise that the pattern is emerging. It may not be the Jews this time, but it's the same thing over again. How many millions will die during this round?

I see good people trying to fight, but will it change anything? Are too many bad people in positions of power to really create a lasting, positive change? I'm truly asking, because I need some kind of reassurance.

Or is the only hope left an apocalypse that is quick so we don't suffer too long?

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