Friday 6 December 2013

Attempt three...

I have tried to get blogs up and running before, with limited success.

I think this is because I have been too narrow in my posting (I have usually had a set subject, which vastly reduces what I can post about).

Although this new attempt is call the Crazy Cat Lady Diaries, it will not just be about my cats (I have three - Molee, Atticus and Boo). It will be about me and my life in whatever form that takes. There may be some stuff about my career, the industry I'm in, books I'm reading, stuff I've done, things I've seen, roller derby. And yes, lots about my cats, because they are awesome.

 This is Boo, with me when I was ill in bed.

 Atticus sparked out on a lazy Sunday.

 Molee, the boss of the house, and my companion for over 14 years now.

See how awesome they are?!

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