Tuesday 24 December 2013

Fa la la la la, la la la la

So it is Christmas Eve and I am holed up in my living room, trying to ignore the gale-force winds and driving rain on the other side of the window. Apparently it's only going to get stronger as the day goes on, but thankfully I have everything I need, so will not be venturing out.

The kittens got their present last week - a massive cat tree, climbing thing - which they have been making the most of. Molee doesn't really play or anything, so can't get her much, but she will get a tin of tuna instead of her normal cat food.

The family got homemade hampers from me this year. By that I mean, I bought the stuff individually and packed it all, not that the contents were homemade (bugger that for a laugh). And the ones already distributed seem to have been well received. Dad will get his tomorrow, when he comes round for Christmas dinner (steak, chips, onion rings, peppercorn sauce, and chocolate fondants for pud).

Then it's back to work on Boxing Day, although am hoping to get away early, as it will be dead. That night I will see brother and his gf to hear how their festivities went.

Got a big Amazon voucher for Christmas from Dad, which will be spent on lots of books. But how to choose?! There are too many. And I really need to read the many (and listen to the Audible audiobooks) that I already have. So this laptop is going away and I'm off to read!!

Merry Christmas!!

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